Version 0.10 ALPHA Release Patch Notes & Dev Log

Watch the dev log here:

Additions and New Features

Added summoning stone tutorial
Added parsnip crop
Added proper blended between grass and terrain colour
Added Kale crop
Added Goatee beard
Added planting sound effects
Added brightness setting
Added notification for when farmon becomes summonable
Added full quest line for Ceada
Added quest log notifs
Added battle axe (used to chop down grove trees and as a weapon)
Added life essence that has a 5% chance to be dropped by enemies
Added third person
Added luck buff and abillity to get it by sacrificing items to grove trees
Added birch trees
Added weather trigger to mountains biome
Added biome system


Fixed clouds not following player
Fixed player preview being initially incorrect
Fixed fog displaying when in mines
Fixed quest completion bug

Updates and other changes

Increased enemy turn speed
Updated Actors to have their state override when talking to a player so they look at them
Updated fog effect distance equation
Updated to Mirror 66.0.9
Updated world generation to give more consistent mountains
Updated terrain state to be stored as byte
Improved fishing
optimised terrain generation
Removed trees auto-fixing height by making them spawn at proper height in the first place
Removed more ik from food