Version 0.3 Pre-alpha Release Patch Notes

Additions and New Features

Added thatched stone roof
Added thatched wooden roof
Added rhubarb crop
Added wheat crop
Added black currant crop
Added interaction hint icons
Added animations and sounds to shovel
Added animations and sounds to scythe
Added pickaxe sounds
Added third person item animations
Added dig rate to shovel
Added dialogue box to show when you are connecting/loading into a game
Added maze entrance and maze generation
Added torch
Added value previews to slider options
Added more graphics settings
Added new tree models
Added small stone wall item
Added save file compression
Added sprinklers (can only get through console commands atm)
Added new reflections to settings
Added realtime reflections for all objects


Fixed 5-meter difference limit not working
Fixed host spawning under the ground after passing out
Fixed roof support not despawning properly
Fixed bug that stopped players from being able to interact with anything after getting out of bed
Fixed bug that allowed players to duplicate non-stackable items by right-clicking on it
Fixed typo in opening cutscene
Fixed bug that caused durability stat to reset when transferring item between inventories
Fixed various terrain editing issues
Fixed chests sometimes not loading from saves
Fixed tilled land not resetting at start of new season
Fixed players not being able to dig up crops
Fixed out of season crops disappearing one day too early
Fixed summoning stone to running on client

Updates and other changes

Updated water to fit environment better
Updated axe animations
Updated plant fibres model and made it so it can only be picked up with the scythe
Updated default weather to sunny
Removed strawberry seeds from starting items
Rebalanced seed requests
Improved tree spawning and increased maximum number of trees