Relationships, Questing and more!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Relationship System:
One of the core systems for this game is a relationship system that determines how you interact with different characters. Your relationship with a character will primarily affect what you can buy from them (or in the case of the Summoning Stone, what you can request from it). For example, Draupnir sells the recipe for a "Basic Tap" but players will only be able to buy this from him once they reach a relationship level of 3 with him.

You can see your relationship with a character by hovering your mouse over them:

I have also balanced the Summoning Stone with this system so that, make requests to it will increase your relationship with it thus giving your more requests to ask of it!
Going to the mines now requires relationship level 3 which you should unlock by your first winter.

Questing System:
I added a questing system that allows me to easily create quests to give to players - I have plans to add a modding framework so that users can implement their own quests when the game is released and so I created the system in such a way that do so should be very easy!

The first questline for Sundermead has also been added. You can ask Draupnir "Do you have anything for me do to?", which will start off the questline.
Completing these quests for Draupnir will increase your relationship with him.

You can view your quest progress by opening the inventory, clicking on the "Journal" tab. This will display a list of open quests, you can then click on a quest to see what its current objective is.

New Crops:

I have updated the mines to also spawn coal!

Smelting, Brewing and Bees!
This update also includes the three items above.